Clearance Item   Our Code: 11630-SDOUBLEX  /  MPN11630-SINGLELX

Secure Sit & Slide Fitted Sheet

Clearance Item   Our Code: 11630-SDOUBLEX  /  MPN11630-SINGLELX

The new all-in-one secure sit and slide sheet is designed to aid easier movement in bed and features a special grip fabric at the sides and foot end.

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About the Secure Sit & Slide Fitted Sheet

The new all-in-one secure sit and slide sheet is designed to aid easier movement in bed and has been endorsed by Occupational Therapists and Back Carers alike.  

The central panel of low friction, ultra smooth satin allows much easier movement without the need of a carer. It also helps to prevent the user from getting tangled in night clothes. 

The sides and foot end of the sheet are made with a raised surface woven Polycotton fabric for extra grip. The sides offer stability when getting in and out of bed as well as safe sitting; and the foot end helps with adjusting your position in bed. The sheet can also be turned around so the grip fabric is under the pillow and the smooth soft satin is under the feet.

As it is a fitted sheet it will not come un-tucked when in use and it is suitable for profiling beds and mattresses.

Depth - 20cm