Our Code: 12286  /  MPNFLOORBED1

Accora FloorBed 1

Our Code: 12286  /  MPNFLOORBED1

Lowering to an impressive height of just 7.1cm the Accora FloorBed is the lowest bed in its class. Fully profling and includes delivery and installation.

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About the Accora FloorBed 1

The Accora FloorBed lowers to a staggering 7.1cm making it the lowest bed in its class currently on the market. It features all the functions of a standard profiling bed including electric backrest and knee break, autoregression plus tilt and reverse tilt positioning as required and can rise to an impressive height of 64cm. The FloorBed offers the benefit of greatly reducing the risk of injury from falls and reduces the requirement for bed rails.        

The price includes delivery and installation. 

  • Lowers to just 7.1cm
  • Rises to height of 64cm
  • Electric backrest & kneebreak
  • Reduces risk of falls from bed

For more information please read the product specification.

Accora FloorBed 1 Specification

 Height range 7.1cm to 64cm (2¾" to 25" to mattress platform)
 Overall length 225cm (89")
 Overall width 93cm (36")
 Max user weight 150kg (24 st)

Delivery and Returns

Delivery of this product will be made directly from the manufacturer in approximately 1-2 weeks.

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