Our Code: 10229  /  MPN10365-ADJ

Adjustable Walking Stick/Seat

Our Code: 10229  /  MPN10365-ADJ
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A seat and walking stick in one. Ideal for days out and watching sports and other activities while taking the weight off your feet.

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was £38.00 incl. VAT

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About the Adjustable Walking Stick/Seat

A seat and walking stick in one. Ideal for days out and watching sports and other activities while taking the weight off your feet.

For more information please read the product specification.

Adjustable Walking Stick/Seat Specification

 Overall height 860mm to 970mm (34" to 38")
 Seat height 480mm to 560mm (19" to 22")
 Seat diameter 210mm (8")
 Product weight 2kg
 Max user weight 115kg (18st)

Adjustable Walking Stick/Seat Reviews

Delivery and Returns

Delivery of this product will be made directly from the distributor in approximately 3-5 working days.

If you have any questions about the product or need to return it to us, in the first instance please email info@manageathome.co.uk or call our customer services department on 0800 910 1864

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