Our Code: 10759  /  MPN5572/3

Derwent Trolley Walker

Our Code: 10759  /  MPN5572/3

The Derwent Trolley Walker has been designed to allow users who are unsteady on their feet to safely transfer food or other heavy items from room to room.

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About the Derwent Trolley Walker

The Derwent Trolley Walker has been designed to allow users who are unsteady on their feet to safely transfer food or other heavy items from room to room. The trolley walker is extremely sturdy and will support the weight of the user when used as a walker. The height of the melamine shelves are conveniently located and the lower shelf has been cut-away to make walking much easier. The far end of the shelves are without a lip to facilitate the safe transfer of items on and off the trolley. The trolley also features rubber castors for ease of manoeuvrability.

Available in two sizes - Compact and Standard:
The compact version has shelves measuring 16" x 16".
The standard version has shelves measuring 16" x 22"

  • Enables the user to safely transfer food and other heavy items
  • Assists those people who are unsteady on their feet
  • Melamine shelves are conveniently located
  • Lower shelf cut-away to make walking easier and safer
  • Castors have rubber tyres for easy manoeuvrability
  • Two sizes available - Compact & Standard
  • Please note trolley is delivered assembled but you will need to fit the castors

For more information please read the product specification.

Derwent Trolley Walker Specification

 Overall Height 960 mm 960 mm
 Width 400 mm  400 mm
 Depth 400 mm  550 mm
 Max Carrying Weight  15 kg  15 kg 

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Delivery and Returns

Delivery of this product will be made directly from the distributor in approximately 3-5 working days.

If you have any questions about the product or need to return it to us, in the first instance please email info@manageathome.co.uk or call our customer services department on 0800 910 1864

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