Our Code: 18309  /  MPNGH153

Flowers Lap tray with Cushion

Our Code: 18309  /  MPNGH153

This Flower style Laptray with Cushion is perfect if you are wanting to eat meals away from your table, do puzzles or write a letter. The lap tray features a built in bean-bag cushion for comfort and stability. It has a wipeable top for easy cleaning.

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About the Flowers Lap tray with Cushion

This beautiful Flower style Laptray with Cushion is perfect if you are wanting to eat meals away from your table, do puzzles or write a letter. The lap tray features a built in bean-bag cushion for comfort and stability and moulds round your thighs. It has a wipeable laminate top for easy cleaning.

  • Wipe Clean Tray top
  • Easy use away from the table
  • Sturdy and Comfortable

For more information please read the product specification.

Flowers Lap tray with Cushion Specification

 Flat surface width (mm) 395
 Flat surface Height (mm) 295
 Overall Depth  (mm) 85
 Product Dimensions 395 x 295 x 85


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Delivery and Returns

Delivery of this product will be made directly from our Brighouse Depot in approximately 3-5 working days.

If you have any questions about the product or need to return it to us, in the first instance please email info@manageathome.co.uk or call our customer services department on 0800 910 1864

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 0800 910 1864

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