Our Code: 10702  /  MPN66153

Prima Modular Perching Stool with Arms and Back

Our Code: 10702  /  MPN66153


The Prima Perching Stool with arms and backrest is used to give the user semi-standing support when doing tasks around the home or bathroom.

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About the Prima Modular Perching Stool with Arms and Back

The Prima  Perching Stool with arms and backrest is used to give the user semi-standing support when doing tasks around the home or bathroom.

The sloping seat of the perching stool allows the user to user to rise easily; the frame is designed to be lower at the front. The legs are height adjustable to ensure the user can set the stool at a level suitable for their needs.

The seat is a made of hygienic moulded plastic and the legs are fitted with rubber ferrules or feet to give grip and prevent movement on floor surfaces. The  construction is lightweight and non-corroding steel.

This version has arms and a backrest for additional security and support.

  • Attractive modern design
  • Comfortable and hardwearing
  • Versatile and functional
  • Optional arms and back rest
  • Height Adjustable


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For more information please read the product specification.

Prima Modular Perching Stool with Arms and Back Specification

 Seat Height Adjustment 810 - 930
 Seat Width  350 mm
 Seat Depth  310 mm 
 Maximum Footprint 480 mm x 530 mm
 Product Weight 5.4 kg (with Arms and Back)
 Maximum User Weight 190 kg (30 stone)


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Delivery and Returns

Delivery of this product will be made directly from the distributor in approximately 3-5 working days.

This product is supplied with comprehensive set-up and user instructions.

If you have any questions about the product or need to return it to us, in the first instance please email info@manageathome.co.uk or call our customer services department on 0800 910 1864

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