Our Code: 18010  /  MPN1601D

Wireless Doorbell and Alarm System

Our Code: 18010  /  MPN1601D

Ideal for users that are hard of hearing, this doorbell and alarm system features a vibrating pager and an extra loud, flashing chime. The chime plugs into your mains while the vibrator attaches to your pocket or waistban.

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£55.42 with VAT Relief
£66.50 incl. VAT

NHS, Councils, Care Homes - Request Quote

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About the Wireless Doorbell and Alarm System

This Doorbell and Alarm System is wireless and has a range of 250 meters. The doorbell requires 2 x AAA batteries and is then fixed onto the wall. The flashing chime also emits an extra loud melody. You can adjust the volume of the chime and choose from various melodies. The pager has a belt clip to attach to your clothes easily and vibrates when the doorbell is pushed.

  • Includes a chime, pager and bell push
  • Features 250m range
  • Various melodies selection

Wireless Doorbell and Alarm System Reviews

Delivery and Returns

Delivery of this product will be made directly from the distributor in approximately 3-5 working days.

If you have any questions about the product or need to return it to us, in the first instance please email info@manageathome.co.uk or call our customer services department on 0800 910 1864

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