Our Code: 14066  /  MPNF21541

Malvern Perching Stool with arms and back

Our Code: 14066  /  MPNF21541

The Malvern Perching Stool is strong and durable and features moulded arms and a padded back. It is height adjustable so enabling you to perch at a comfortable height whilst carrying out activities such as ironing and cooking.

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About the Malvern Perching Stool with arms and back

The Malvern Perching Stool features moulded arms and a padded back. It is height adjustable so enabling you to sit at a comfortable height in your kitchen. Made from epoxy coated steel, the Malvern perching Stool is strong and durable and allows you to perch whilst carrying out activities such as ironing and cooking.

  • Height adjustable
  • Moulded arms and padded back rest
  • Enables you to perch
  • Strong steel construction

For more information please read the product specification.

Malvern Perching Stool with arms and back Specification

 Seat height 515mm to 640mm (20¼" to 25¼")
 Seat depth 300mm (12")
Seat width 345mm (13½")
 Max user weight 160kg (25 stone)
Max Footprint 550mm x 400mm (21½" x 15¾")


Malvern Perching Stool with arms and back Reviews

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Delivery of this product will be made directly from the distributor in approximately 3-5 working days.

If you have any questions about the product or need to return it to us, in the first instance please email info@manageathome.co.uk or call our customer services department on 0800 910 1864

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